3/17 Unit Crest.Gif




Fellow A Troop Silver Spurs
3/17th Air Cavalry
Web Sites

Page Updated: 3 Oct 2009

Contact: Roger Young -- Silver Spur webmaster

19 March 2000

As the numbers of fellow Spurs increase on the internet, there are those fellow Troopers or family members who are hosting their own websites to fill in more of our troop history and to share pictures with all of us. I encourage all such efforts since there is a limit, particularly regarding pictures, that can be posted on one site alone, and such collective efforts will allow us as a troop to grow beyond the scope of what can be posted here.

David "Benny" Bonello and Steve Jones have provided several pages on their servers which have been hyperlinked within specific history pages or specific subsections from this site.

It is with great pride that I direct you to the following sites, provided by fellow Spurs or family members which will only truly enhance the mission I started here in 1997!

Fellow Spur webmasters have my expressed permission to copy any of the 3/17th graphics I've created and posted on this site's pages for use on their individual sites.

If you are a fellow Spur or family member and decide to host a site, or even a page, please contact me and I will gladly provide a hyperlink to your contributions!

Roger "Bear" Young - Silver Spur webmaster




Vietnam, 1970 - 1971, 3rd of the 17th Air Calvary, U.S. Army by Dan Cannon - TOC


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