Larger than actual size
Coin measures 1.793" in diameter
Updated 10 June 2023
Chuck has a new order of coins ready to ship at the following prices. Coins are as pictured except that Vietnam departure date is corrected to 1972. Prices include Chuck's cost of coin & mail package plus postage (or slightly less,) with NO PROFIT to anyone except the supplier.
$6.00 each plus +0.50 Texas sales tax per coin
Money orders and checks only, please. Mail to: Chuck Oualline, 441 Bronzeglo Drive, San Antonio, TX 78239. Be sure to give Chuck a shipping address. ONLY Texas residents add $0.50 sales tax per coin if ordered by mail. NOTE: COINS WILL BE SOLD AT THE REUNION FOR $6.50 YANKEE DOLLARS EACH, which includes Texas sales tax (which EVERYONE must pay if bought on-site.)