Angels In Uniform

Courtesy of VVMF:


Recommended read: Healing Wounds: A Vietnam War Combat Nurse’s 10-Year Fight to Win Women a Place of Honor in Washington, D.C. by Diane Carlson Evans, Bob Welch

Both Pam and I read Diane’s book over the Memorial Day Weekend, an excellent read regarding her struggle both in Vietnam and upon her return to the World, and her dedication to have a Vietnam Women’s Memorial placed near the Wall to honor all the women involved in our war!

Thank you, Diane, for writing your book; for sharing yourself with us; for your courage and commitment; and your perseverance and devotion throughout your journey. Welcome Home, Dear Sister Veteran. – Roger & Pam Young, Northwest Veterans Newsletter – 30 May 22


Here’s a video tribute my wife, Pam Young (Navy vet), made in 2011 in honor of ALL the women – including the Donut Dollies, who served during the Vietnam War – Roger “Bear” Young, Scout Crew Chief:

Learn more about the Donut Dollies at:




About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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