Bergdahl – Not the military we served in!

No Justice! Bergdahl dishonorably discharged, no jail time after emotional trialFoxNews – 3 Nov 17

Newsletter comment: This Col. Nance just spit in the face of everyone who has ever worn the uniform and served with honor. This case and others have been FUBAR from the very start and shows a terrible breakdown within our military. Meanwhile we have a sailor doing time for having a classified picture on his cellphone which never was distributed. Pam and I have always been supportive of our military but it is very hard to continue such support after this decision today.

Roger Young, Vietnam veteran, Newsletter co-editor


Sgt. Allen was seriously disabled while searching for Bergdahl when he was shot in the head by enemy forces…

About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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