Project Vigil: D-Day 2014, The saluting boy on Omaha beach

This video was sent to me and is one of the most inspirational videos I’ve ever seen! The video producer writes:

“On June 6th, 2014, my 11 year old son wanted to say thank you to the soldiers who fought and died on Omaha beach on D-Day morning 70 years earlier. This is how he did it.” 


About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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2 Responses to Project Vigil: D-Day 2014, The saluting boy on Omaha beach

  1. Bear says:

    To the young man and his father, you are true Patriots that have bestowed honor to our Allied Forces that fell at Normandy on D-Day.

    God Speed,


    • Allan La Grange says:

      AMEN !! Every American Father or Grandfather should have such a wonderfull child !! There is still hope. Al La Grange

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