“The Longest Day” performed by the Cadet Glee Club of West Point

Sent to us from a fellow Silver Spur, Clayton Marsh. An excellent YouTube video:

About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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2 Responses to “The Longest Day” performed by the Cadet Glee Club of West Point

  1. Allan La Grange says:

    Bear, I was moved by the music and images of General Eisenhower. I shared the video with my Grandchildren and they were impressed with the music, images, and the short history lesson that I was able to share with them about what happened on D Day. They do not get this in school. Thanks to you for posting this and thanks to Clayton for forwarding it. Al, Rifles

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