Where is the White House & Congress on Border Security?

December 15, 2022:

Like many Americans, Pam and I are very frustrated that neither the White House nor Congress are doing anything to limit the flow of illegal aliens and illegal drugs across our southern border.

Yes, there is constant talk and videos on some major news outlets, but in the glorious halls of Congress that’s all we get – talking points from the “leadership” of the Dems and the GOP, and nothing substantive to once and for all resolve these issues.  Crickets!

Meanwhile, thousands of our fellow citizens are being murdered by poisonous Fentanyl pouring across the southern border and reaching every corner of the U.S. We went to war after 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor, but we seemingly allow an increasing flow of death to target our young with no retaliation nor any plan to stop it. In our opinion, these are violations of federal law and the oaths of office our elected officials swore to protect this nation!  In our opinion, this is a dereliction of duty!

Roger Young,
Northwest Veterans Newsletter co-editor,
Vietnam veteran

About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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One Response to Where is the White House & Congress on Border Security?

  1. Roger Young says:

    How can they work and live in D.C. and not be inspired by the sacrifice of generations of American patriots that gave their lives to preserve our freedoms and way of life? Arlington National Cemetary, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Memorials which honor our nation’s Heroes! Perhaps I expect too much from the ‘public servants’ of today..

    And then we have this:

    Afghan special forces commando seeking asylum gets caught in broken US immigration systemFoxNews

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