May 19th Pacific Raceways:
We had a day race Sunday. With the rain the night before the crew had to work very hard to get the track dry and ready to race. First and only qualifier we set a new personal best of a 10.136@129.33 and a stellar 1.329 60′. Going into round 1 with the air being relatively the same I dialed 10.14. The car hit the wheelie bars hard and came down hard causing fuel slosh. As a result we ran a 10.21 and went home. I was not happy with the results and decided before the next time out I had to get the car calmed down. So I ordered a adjustable launch controller and got ready for the trip to Renagade Raceways in Yakima on the short week for their big 2- day race.
May 24th – 26th Renegade:
Friday morning the 24th we headed over with fellow racers and friends Andy Collins, Dave Wakefield, Tim Sipe and Jace O’Hara. We got settled in and entered the Gambler race. First time hit we spun badly as expected and went a 1.447 60′ and a 6.55 in the 1/8 mile. Q2 we loosened the front shocks about 20 clicks and lowered the launch. Improving to a 1.41 60′ and 6.47 1/8th mile we knew we were heading in the right direction. So for round 1, I raised the wheelie bars and lowered the launch some more to 3200 rpm’s. The car responded with a 1.37 60′ and we got the win light.
Round 2 we drew the always tuff Thumper Camaro. I was .038 on the tree to his .007 and was done for the night. Saturday the 25th we started at noon for our second day of competition. With some slight chassis adjustments things were going well. Round 1, I drilled the tree with a .003 light and was able to lift and run a 10.254 for the win. On to round 2. Three-hours later and at 10.30 PM I went red and lost.
Sunday the 26th we felt good going in and my trusted crew chief Paul Young showed up for support. The car was working fantastic with consistent times and 60’s. We won rounds 1 and 2 and drew the very tough racer Russell Lopeman. He absolutely drilled me with a .019 pack and went on to runner up. We were done for the weekend.
All in all we feel good about our results never having raced Yakima before not losing 1st round the entire weekend and making improvements with the new, rear-shock package. I had a great time racing with everyone and as always want to thank my Family and friends for the support! Until next time!
Thanks, Chris.
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