Chris took his Chevelle out to Fred Hoffman’s Bracket Kings Showdown at Pacific Raceways on a nice but smokey day. Thanks to Torri Young for the on-track video below capturing Chris’ 1st-round win with an excellent .011 reaction time! Chris lost in the 2nd-round in a close race. – Roger
1st Round Win
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Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
From 2015 to the present!
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Posted inEdwards & Young Updates|Comments Off on Chevelle at Bracket Kings Showdown – August 26, 2023
It was beautiful days at Pacific Raceways, perfect for the NHRA D6 Divisional. Chris took his Handan Trailer Repairs sponsored ’71 Chevelle Wagon out to run Pro Bracket for this 4 day/2 race series.
There was a lot of tight racing all 4 days and things just didn’t quite fall in his favor unfortunately.
Race #1 he just barely went red by .005 1st rd and his opponent pretty much had a perfect run both on the tree and dial.
Chris entered the Gambler race and unfortunately went red 1st rd as we were battling some inconsistencies with the rollout in the left lane which was affecting both the reaction times and dial in.
Race #2 Chris faced his buddy Jerrod Warren 1st rd and lost in another extremely close race as both drivers did a solid job. Nothing to hold our heads about as just tough competition, feel like our luck will shift in our favor soon.
Some good news from the weekend as we made an adjustment of lowering the launch rpm to 3800 in between races and it seems to have produced some positive results.
See you all soon and be safe! – Paul
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
From 2015 to the present!
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Posted inEdwards & Young Updates|Comments Off on Divisional Race, Pacific Raceways August 2023
Prior to going out to this race, we discussed changes to the chassis setup in the rear of the car that would prevent the carburetor fuel slosh problem we experienced at the last race when coming back to earth from high wheelies on the launch. I’m glad to report these changes worked and the car is now running very consistent and is much tamer leaving the starting line. Paul recaps the day from here. – Roger
Hello Race Fans!
It was a beautiful day at Pacific Raceways, perfect for a day/night double header. Chris took his Handan Trailer Repairs sponsored ’71 Chevelle Wagon out to run Pro Bracket for this race.
He was able to wheel it to the 2nd round in Race #1 before falling to the dreaded red light and unfortunately we missed the dial a bit too which we have been fighting thus far this year in eliminations.
We made some adjustments with softening the rear shocks and went up 1# in rear tire pressure for second race and the results were favorable.
2nd Race Qualifying Run Timeslip
Chris won 1st round and had a near perfect light with .001 so that parlayed into a bye for 2nd round. He ran 10.281 on 10.28 dial on the bye run so we were pretty happy about that. He went red in the 3rd round race but overall it was a solid day of racing as he drove well and feel like we are getting a handle on the car with being more consistent throughout the day.
See you all soon and be safe! – Paul
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
From 2015 to the present!
Need trailer repairs while at Pacific Raceways?
Call 206-391-9695 for a price quote!
Posted inEdwards & Young Updates|Comments Off on Chevelle at A-Street Automotive Double-Header – July 8th 2023
Chris took the Wagon out to Pacific Raceways to participate in Pro Bracket and Paul was there to help Chris during the long, but beautiful day.
The Chevelle ran strong during the event but the chassis settings were too aggressive for such a tight track. The car lifted the front end too high on the launch and when it returned to earth it caused fuel slosh in the carburetor which made the car inconsistent.
Courtesy of Extreme Photography!
It was this fuel slosh condition that made it very difficult to dial the car and as a result, Chris lost in the 1st-round in both races. We are addressing the chassis settings and float levels to solve this issue.
One of his best runs of the day was a 10.158 @ 129.80 MPH with a 1.352 60-foot but then slowed to a 10.20 on the next hit with fuel slosh. We will get a handle on the problem! – Roger
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
From 2015 to the present!
Need trailer repairs while at Pacific Raceways?
Call 206-391-9695 for a price quote!
Posted inEdwards & Young Updates|Comments Off on Chevelle at A-Street Automotive Double-Header – June 24th 2023
After a major upgrade to his SBC this winter – you can read/view all the details here – Chris was finally able to get his Chevelle out to the strip on a beautiful afternoon & evening to see if all his hard work paid off, and it did!!
In all five runs this afternoon & evening, the Chevelle set new personal records on a well-prepared track by the crew at Pacific Raceways. Here are the results in consecutive order:
T1 10.283 @ 128.51 MPH – 1579 Density Altitude
T2 10.162 @ 128.82 MPH – 1437 Density Altitude – On the high-side chip near the finish line.
T3 10.173 @ 130.05 MPH – 1291 Density Altitude
T4 10.141 @ 130.05 MPH – 1046 Density Altitude
T5 10.140 @ 130.18 MPH – 797 Density Altitude
The new & larger 1-7/8″ headers really woke up the top end horsepower!
My thanks to Paul, Torri & DG Machine for the help making these new benchmarks possible! It was a VERY rewarding evening for Chris and the crew! – Roger
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
Paul has decided to sell his ’85 Mustang. You can contact Paul via e-mail at:
It is an excellent street/strip foot-brake car that has run 11.50’s @ 115 MPH and won a Divisional Race in August 2019. It features a 347 ci small-block Ford, a beefed-up C4 transmission, a 9″Ford rear with 4.11 rear gears and spool. Many upgrades since he purchased it in 2015! – Roger
Paul at NW Bracket Kings on October 5th 2019 – Purple Nurple photo!
Paul’s 9″ Ford with new 31-spline spool & bearings – Spring 2021
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
We just learned yesterday that longtime local racing legend, Al Young, has passed away. We will miss Al’s infectious personality, his contagious smile, his laugh, his very positive presence at the track, and most importantly his friendship. Our sincerest condolences to his family and friends during this very sad time.
I recall racing Al many years ago at Bremerton when he first started racing his famous Bardahl-backed ’70 Dodge Challenger. Al taught me a lesson that day!! We were both dialed closely in the 11’s and in high gear I took a fender length lead as we neared the stripe. Thinking I had Al covered, I lifted – BAD MISTAKE! Unknown to me at the time, Al had nitrous in his car and when he saw the front end of my ’57 Chev drop, he hit the button and took the stripe! We had a good laugh about that round at the top-end of the track prior to heading back to the pits! Racing Al was always a good experience for me and brings fond memories in my aging brain. We’ll miss you Al, God bless… Roger
Over the winter Chris is working on upgrading the 406 in his Chevelle. This will include new Wiseco lateral gas-ported & coated pistons with the upgraded .043/.043/3mm ring pack like we’ve been running in our ’57 in the 372 SBC [new pistons pictured below]. DG Machine also resized Chris’ Manley rods. The engine with the new +.040″ pistons will be 409 cubic-inches.
Chris will also be replacing the valves in his Brodix227 M2 heads with Ferrea cut-down valve stems, and installing new, larger 1-7/8″ headers which should improve the midrange and high gear performance with increased flow numbers. DG Machine is doing all the machine work for this upgrade.
Please note the old rod & main bearings looked like new after nearly 250 runs! –
Chris has made excellent progress on the engine, short-block is now complete as pictured below. He has also notched the front crossmember to allow the installation of a NHRA-approved oil drip pan to the Chevelle, in case he desires to race Super Street. – Roger
Update February 26, 2023:
Chris has nearly completed the refurbished engine for his Chevelle. New Ferrea cut-down valves are in the heads, valve-to-piston & dome-to-chamber clearances checked, and new 1-7/8″ Hedman headers fit well. All that remains is to install the Jesel shaft-rockers, prime the oiling system and install the distributor to complete this project. GOOD JOB by Chris and we look forward to seeing how his Chevelle responds this spring! Our thanks to DG Machine for their help with this upgrade! – Roger
Update March 5, 2023:
Chris now has the engine back in the car and is getting excited about getting the Wagon back out to the track this Spring! LOOKING GREAT! – Roger
Update March 11, 2023:
Chris and Paul fired the fresh engine for the Wagon today, almost ready for the strip! – Roger
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Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
Pam found this August 1999 photo from Mission Raceway in the archives today. From L to R: Jon Hartog of Doyle’s Automotive, Torri, Chris, Me, Tom Edwards & Paul. Thanks honey for taking and keeping the photo!
Our best run that weekend was a 10.657 @ 125.82 MPH with the 331 under the hood. – Roger
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
This past weekend we took Chris’ 71 Chevelle Wagon out to Pacific Raceways for the season finale TNT & West Coast Grudge Gaptoberfest. It was absolutely stunning weather for October and it showed with a really solid car count both days.
Chris graciously decided to pass the reigns on Saturday and gave me my first shot driving his car. All I can say is that I truly had a blast as it was my first time down the strip this year and to do it in his car made it that much more fun. I have always foot-braked a car so really had to retrain my brain the new routine of using the trans-brake.
1st pass : 10.47 @ 125.9
2nd pass : 10.66 @ 126.1
3rd pass : 10.45 @ 125.8 ***1.391 60 ft***
The 1st pass I was pretty happy with everything except for my burnout needed some work but after talking to bro I realized the difference in needing more brake pressure versus my Mustang. What a freaking difference, especially on the launch!
The 2nd pass I had my burnout down but then my foot brake brain kicked in so messed up the launch. Duh!
On the 3rd pass I did everything in my head before the pass and executed how I planned so I was smiling big time, especially after seeing the timeslip. It felt like the car left harder and it did!
It was awesome being able to do this and will never forget it. Thanks bro!
We put the car away for the evening and while doing so Chris happened to notice that the right rear tire was down quite a bit and unfortunately that ended our weekend as it was not repairable due to lateness of the day. I felt bad as I was looking forward to seeing bro make some passes at the West Coast Grudge Gaptoberfest event on Sunday.
Torri also brought her 66 Pontiac Tempest out Sunday to make a few passes, went 11.15 and 11.16 then drove it back home. Yes, like the Mustang it is driven to and from the track but folks she also drives her car to the store and cruises it in Enumclaw during the Spring/Summer seasons. Pretty cool!
It was truly a fun weekend and again big thanks to bro along with everyone that cheered us on.
Have a great offseason everyone! – Paul Young
Thanks to Our Great Sponsors…
Auto/Truck Repair & Service 225 A St SE Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-833-1000
After September 2026, I will no longer be hosting our entire website. This includes military news, the Silver Spur sites, nor our racing pages. After 27-years it will be time to close it all down. Be well. – Roger
Pam, U.S. Navy – YN2/E5
CINCPAC Joint Command
Vietnam-Era Veteran Operation Homecoming
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We wish to acknowledge the invaluable photo contributions by the following talented individuals that make our photo galleries possible: Candy Caldwell, Jim Doyle, Robert Fedyk, Mike Gardner, Tony Hutchison, Gary McMillian, DataMutz, Larry Pfister, ProStreet Photography, Dave Stoltz, Mike Ward, Gary Wells, Troy Williams (Purple Nurple) and our family, Chris, Pam & Roger Young