

[Orginally posted on 28 Sep 2012]

Updated 28 November 2017:

Benghazi suspect convicted on four lesser counts, does not face death penaltyFoxNews – 28 Nov 17



Select Committee on Benghazi Releases Proposed Report – 28 June 16

‘We could have been there’: Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi responseFoxNews – 12 May 16

Diary entry from Benghazi victim’s dad: ‘I gave Hillary a hug,’ she blamed filmmaker by Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne – 23 Oct 15

Newsletter comment: I watched much of the hearing marathon yesterday and frankly, it was a waste of time.

All I learned was that Hillary had text her daughter that evening and stated it was an Al-Qaeda type of attack, which is what she reported to Egypt the next morning. Thus she and certainly others knew in real time it was an organized terrorist attack, not a video that took the lives of four Americans. But the news of a terrorist attack during that pre-election season wouldn’t do, thus the shameless video lie was born by the administration.

Much of the hearing in my opinion was a sham with Dems crying foul and giving her cover and too many GOP questioners making the case it was some witch hunt leading us down some needless rabbit trail. Too few on the committee were interested in the truth in my opinion.

Another select hearing that has come to nothing… I expected more from Gowdy and his team… Once again the parties refuse to come together to learn valuable lessons or to improve the security of those Americans serving abroad. Roger Young, co-editor

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” – John Adams

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows by Catherine Herridge – 19 Oct 15

Emails reportedly show confidant told Clinton Benghazi attack planned by fighters tied to Al Qaeda – FoxNews – 21 May 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Top Aides Knew from First Minutes that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack, E-mails Disclose by Andrew McCarthy – 26 Feb 2015

Another Benghazi Cover-Up – Judicial Watch – Posted 3 Feb 2015

Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton State Department Official Reveals Details of Alleged Document Review by Sharyl Attkisson – 15 September 2014

Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claimFoxNews – 5 September 2014

Sources: Militia blamed for Benghazi attack moved next door to US Consulate before strike by Adam Housley – 22 July 2014

Different attackers in Benghazi?ArmyTimes – 9 July 2014

Benghazi attack suspect captured by American team, en route to USFoxNews – 17 June 2014

Criminal complaint against Benghazi terror suspect Ahmed Abu KhattalaFoxNews – 17 June 2014

US spy agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. cell phones to call terrorist leaders by Bret Baier, James Rosen, 11 June 2014

Fact Check: Hillary came up with Benghazi video explanation by Catherine Herridge, 11 June 2014


The ad you’ll never see in our mainstream media:

Boehner to appoint select Benghazi committeeArmyTimes – 2 May 14

White House on defense over new Benghazi emails, claims controversial ‘prep call’ not about attackFoxNews – 30 Apr 14

Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for ‘video’ explanation by Catherine Herridge – 29 Apr 14

Clinton calls Benghazi terror attack ‘biggest regret’ on her watch FoxNews – 25 Apr 14

Ex-CIA chief confirms he ignored Benghazi guidance from top officer on groundFoxNews – 2 Apr 14

Newsletter comment: I listened to some of the testimony by former CIA assistant director Morrell on Benghazi today.

It is clear to me that the brass pays far more attention to what some analyst in Langley believes, then what a station chief or other eyewitnesses are reporting on the ground. That’s messed up.

He also explained that the Langley analysts were not privy to what those on the scene were reporting in real time. Knowing that it begs the question, why is their analysis given so much weight?

Of course this is nothing new. LTC Hal Moore’s after-action report on the battle of the Ia Drang Valley in Nov ’65 were ignored by McNamara and his “whiz kids” for what they WANTED to believe. Little changes! – Roger Young, co-editor

Sources on ground during Benghazi attack slam ex-CIA boss Morell’s testimony by Adam Housley – 2 Apr 14

‘Very upset’: CIA sat on Benghazi investigation, US personnel fuming by Adam Housley – 13 Mar 14 

Did CIA official suppress Benghazi narrative? Accounts raise new questions
FoxNews – 14 Feb 14

House GOP’s new Benghazi report lays blame on WH, StateArmyTimes – 11 Feb 14

Commentary: Benghazi Testimony One Year Later: Hillary Clinton Declares “What Difference Does It Make” by Katie Pavlich – 23 Jan 14

Gregory Hicks: Benghazi and the Smearing of Chris StevensWSJ – 22 Jan 14

Opinion by the uncle of Sean Smith: Mrs. Clinton, the truth about Benghazi does make a difference By Michael Ingmire – 16 Jan 14

Lest We Forget – The Ultimate Lie:

Senate Intelligence Committee releases comprehensive Benghazi reportFoxNews – 15 Jan 14

“The Senate Intelligence Committee has released a comprehensive report on the Benghazi attack finding the tragedy was ‘preventable’ and the administration failed to respond to ‘ample’ warnings that security was deteriorating before Sept. 11, 2012…”

The Benghazi Transcripts: Did White House exaggerate Obama’s preparation for 9/11 anniversary? by James Rosen – 14 Jan 14

The Benghazi Transcripts: US military woefully unprepared for attack, documents show by Jennifer Griffin – 13 Jan 14

Newsletter comment: It would appear that everyone in any authority dropped the ball leading up to the attack in Benghazi. A complete failure by all involved from the State Dept, White House, and military commands. Incompetence and arrogance cost the lives of four brave Americans.What was the purpose of establishing AFRICOM when they apparently had no real assets available in Africa? As we know from earlier reports, everyone had to know there were serious security issues in Libya yet NO action was taken at any level to enhance security or position forces! – Roger Young, co-editor

State Department names groups behind Benghazi strikeFoxNews – 10 Jan 14

Families of Benghazi victims press for House select committee to investigate attackFoxNews – 7 Jan 14

CIA Benghazi team clash led to ‘stand down’ report by Kimberly Dozier – 14 Dec 13

‘Pleading’ distress calls made from US consulate on night of Benghazi attack by Catherine Herridge – 20 Nov 13

Congressman: Benghazi attackers knew location of ambassador’s safe room By Catherine Herridge – 15 Nov 13

Memo to Speaker Boehner — time to appoint a Select Committee on Benghazi By John LeBoutillier – 14 Nov 13 

Intelligence Warnings On Benghazi Were Loud And Clear by Susan Katz Keating and Richard Miniter – Posted 13 Nov 13

Opinion: Why is Team Obama so afraid of Benghazi survivors’ stories? By K.T. McFarland – 5 Nov 13

Justice and State departments blocking access to survivors of Benghazi attack by Catherine Herridge – 31 Oct 13

Administration making excuses to block Benghazi survivors? – FoxNews – 31 Oct 13

Ayotte: We’ve been stonewalled at ‘every turn’ on Benghazi – FoxNews – 30 Oct 13


Exclusive: Benghazi Whistleblower Says He Was Smeared by Eli Lake, Josh Rogin

Former Guantanamo detainee was on ground in Benghazi during terror attack, source says by Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne – 25 Oct 13

Opinion: The Benghazi Nightmare Revealed by Roger Young – 19 Sep 13

Commentary: A ‘rigorous and unsparing’ review? ARB Benghazi report full of gaps, unanswered questions by Victoria Toensing – 17 Sep 13

Team involved in tracking Benghazi suspects pulling out, sources say –  FoxNews – 23 Aug 13

Kerry clears State officials faulted in Benghazi report, allows them back on jobFoxNews – 20 Aug 13

US files charges against Benghazi attack suspects, official saysFoxNews – 6 Aug 13

CNN Exclusive: Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attackCNN – 1 Aug 13

Newsletter comment: With this revelation by CNN, the evidence of a widespread cover-up is only growing…

State Department official says he was scapegoated by bosses over Benghazi FoxNews – 21 May 13

White House’s Benghazi documentsFoxNews – 15 May 13

Cover Up by Oliver North – 10 May 13

The Benghazi Scandal Grows by Stephen F. Hayes – 10 May 13

Note: Mr. Hayes was the first to report on the internal memos indicating just how the original intelligence assessment was altered.

Benghazi memos reportedly revised 12 times, official ‘concerned’ they would hurt StateFoxNews – 10 May 13

Newsletter comment: I’ve never seen such cowards in the White House & State Department. They want to shift the blame on the intelligence community when Mr. Hicks in Tripoli was reporting from the start of the attack in Benghazi that it was a terrorist attack on that facility as reported to him by Ambassador Stevens.

In my opinion, the talking points were changed to give Sec. Clinton and the White House cover for their actions of cutting security at the facility, period. And they both went out before the television cameras when the bodies of our brave Americans were returned to U.S. soil and in front of the families with the caskets in the background, continued to lie to the families, the American people, and the entire world. And they continue those same lies today. This is an absolute disgrace! – Roger

Whistle-blower: Botched talking points hurt FBI probe of Benghazi attack FoxNews – 8 May 13

Special ops called for military backup during Libya attack, sources sayFoxNews – 2 May 13

Newsletter comment: From Vietnam until the present the State Dept. has not cooperated well with our military. The fall of Lima Site 85 in Laos, SOG missions compromised in Laos & Cambodia – a case can certainly be made that our inept State Dept. played a hand in those failures and lives were lost. Lessons are never learned when denial is the norm – Roger Young, co-editor

Commentary: Boehner Must Impanel Special Committee to Investigate Benghazi by Terry Jeffrey – 1 May 13

Obama administration officials threatened whistle-blowers on Benghazi, lawyer saysFoxNews – 29 Apr 13

Commentary: BENGHAZIGATE: Obama’s Secret Gun-Running Program by Katie Kieffer – 29 Apr 13

Lawmakers demand access to survivors injured in Benghazi attackFoxNews – 6 Mar 13

Opinion: Obama AWOL during Benghazi Attack by Bob Beauprez – 9 Feb 13

Panetta recalls just 1 conversation with Obama during Benghazi, Sen. Graham vows accountabilityFoxNews – 8 Feb 13

7 Feb 2013:

It is clear after listening to SECDEF Panetta and Gen. Dempsey today at hearings, and listening to some of the questioning of CIA candidate Brennan today before the Senate, there is NOT going to be any accountability regarding the tragedy in Benghazi. And it is equally clear that this President is incapable of leading during a crisis. Roger Young

Panetta on Benghazi: We did all we could doArmyTimes – 7 Feb 13

Opinion: The pygmies vs. the Zulu warrior — how Republicans missed a big opportunity with Clinton by K.T. McFarland – 24 Jan 13

Newsletter closing comment: I believe it is clear that just like Fast & Furious we are never going to get the truth, nor will anyone ever be held accountable for what happened in Benghazi. And the GOP doesn’t have the stomach to ask the tough questions to uncover the truth. It was just another dog & pony show to appease the American people. – Roger Young

Clinton lashes out at senator over Benghazi questioningFoxNews – 23 Jan 13

Newsletter comment: After listening to Secretary Clinton testify today, apparently what happened in Benghazi, stays in Benghazi.

Like Fast & Furious and many other investigations, we never get any answers from this “transparent” administration.  – Roger Young

Senate committee report on Benghazi terrorist attack faults State DepartmentFoxNews – 31 Dec 12

Opinion: The lessons of Benghazi by Sen. Marco Rubio – 26 Dec 12

State Department official who ‘resigned’ after Libya findings reportedly staying on payrollFoxNews – 26 Dec 12

State Department official suggests Libya warnings went to the topFoxNews – 20 Dec 12

Report on Libya attack cites ‘systemic failures’ in security, confirms no protestFoxNews – 19 Dec 12

Accountability Review Board report on Benghazi attackCourtesy of FoxNews – 19 Dec 12

State Department officials resign after scathing report on security lapses in LibyaFoxNews – 19 Dec 12

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ HandsNew York Times – Posted 6 Dec 12

Special OPs Vets Demand Benghazi AnswersWND – Posted 6 Dec 12

White House denies suggestion it scrubbed terror threat from CIA Libya accountFoxNews – 17 Nov 12

Petraeus testifies CIA’s Libya talking points were changed, lawmaker saysFoxNews – 16 Nov 12

Newsletter comment: Is this all the good General could offer? I don’t care who changed his memo! I don’t care about what Susan Rice said on network TV. These are the questions I want answers for:

1) Who repeatedly denied requests for increased security and why?

2) Who told the SEALS to “stand down” and not go to the aid of the Consulate under attack and why?

3) Who denied them help when they were fighting for their lives at the annex and why?

This is the usual Potomac two-step, just pointing fingers at various agencies without ever getting to the truth.  We are being led down rabbit trails in my opinion. – Roger Young, editor

Obama tells Republicans to ‘go after me’ on Libya, claims Rice had ‘nothing to do with Benghazi’FoxNews– 14 Nov 12

Newsletter comment: Perhaps if the President would answer any direct questions concerning Benghazi, except “it’s under investigation,” we could get some real answers to why four Americans died and their repeated requests for increased security before the attack were denied, and why their requests for help during the attack went unanswered.

It is clear to me that this President does not feel he is obligated to answer any questions to the American people. – Roger

Petraeus agrees to testify on Libya before congressional committeesFoxNews – 14 Nov 12

Three key questions on the Benghazi scandal by Arthur Herman – 13 Nov 12

Newsletter comment: Excellent questions, but the focus has/will turn to the Petraeus scandal. How convenient. Nothing like a good sex scandal to divert the mainstream press and congress from a national security fiasco in Benghazi. – Roger 

Petraeus Just Another Mystery Victim in the Benghazi Triangle by John Ransom – Posted 12 Nov 12

“…Cross the Benghazi Triangle and mysterious, unexplainable things begin to happen.”

EXCLUSIVE: Petraeus mistress may have revealed classified information at Denver speech on real reason for Libya attack By Jennifer Griffin, Adam Housley – 12 Nov 12

Military timeline from night of Benghazi attack begs more questionsFoxNews – 11 Nov 12

Petraeus quits over extramarital affairArmyTimes – 9 Nov 12

U.S. general: Obama paralyzed by fear by Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, U.S. Army (ret.) – 4 Nov 12

Security officials on the ground in Libya challenge CIA accountFoxNews – 2 Nov 12

Opinion: Benghazi: The Set-Up and the Cover-Up by Clare M. Lopez – Posted 2 Nov 12

Sources, emails point to communication breakdown in Obama administration during Libya attack by Jennifer Griffin – 2 Nov 12

FBI granted access to Libya consulate attack suspect detained in TunisiaFoxNews – 2 Nov 12

Editorial: Benghazi blunder: Obama unworthy commander-in-chiefLas Vegas Review-Journal – 1 Nov 12

‘Troubling’ Surveillance Before Benghazi Attack by Harald Doornbos, Jenan Moussa – 1 Nov 12

Classified cable warned consulate couldn’t withstand ‘coordinated attack’ by Catherine Herridge – 31 Oct 12

Republican senators accuse Obama administration of ‘stonewalling’ on BenghaziFoxNews – 31 Oct 12

Opinion: Lingering questions about Benghazi by David Ignatius – 30 Oct 12

Opinion: To live and die in Benghazi, Libya without leadership from America by Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (ret.) – 30 Oct 12

Early briefings on Libya strike focused on Al Qaeda, before story changedFoxNews – 29 Oct 12

Head of AFRICOM Fired for Wanting to Assist Personnel in Benghazi by GerardDirect Staff – 28 Oct 2012 

Posted on YouTube on 28 Oct 12:

Posted on YouTube on 27 Oct 12:

Obama: ‘Not personally aware’ of security requests before Libya attackFoxNews – 26 Oct 12

EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say By Jennifer Griffin – 26 Oct 12

Newsletter observation: We now know since this deadly attack the following:

1) Leading up to the attack, the State Department repeatedly denied official requests to increase security as recommended by the Ambassador and his security team on the ground in Libya. In fact, the State Department reduced the security prior to the attack according to earlier hearings in the House that took place following this tragedy.

2) As the attack was underway, Jennifer Griffin reported above that the CIA reportedly refused multiple requests for help by its operatives under attack at the annex. The CIA denies those reports – Roger Young

Clinton asked for more security in Benghazi, Obama said no by Christopher Collins – 25 Oct 12

SecDef: Lack of info hampered Benghazi responseArmyTimes – 25 Oct 12

Clinton downplays emails implicating Al Qaeda-tied group within hours of Libya strikeFoxNews – 24 Oct 12

Newsletter comment: It is long past time that our President addressed the American people on this issue which claimed the lives of four American patriots. You decide if this adminstration has been playing it straight with us. – Roger Young

State Department emails from day of Libya attack show Al Qaeda-tied group on radarFoxNews – 23 Oct 12

‘Annex’ hit in Libya terror attack was CIA post, officials sayFoxNews – 22 Oct 12

Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attackFoxNews – 19 Oct 12

Consulate attack may have been aimed at driving US out of eastern Libya, sources sayFoxNews – 18 Oct 12

I’m not big on Super Pac ads, but this video from a GOP Super Pac raises very valid questions that deserve to be answered to the American people from the White House. This President has the time to go on comedy shows to talk about Libya, but somehow cannot address the American people thus far?:

Opinion: Who is responsible for the mess in Libya? by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano – 18 Oct 12

Opinion: Hillary takes responsibility for Libya but Obama’s terror policy is real problem by K.T. McFarland – 17 Oct 12

Opinion: Leaks, Lies, and Libya: How Not to Inform a Nation by Larry Bailey (USN, Ret. SEAL) – 17 Oct 12

Clinton takes responsibility for consulate security, blames confusion on ‘fog of war’FoxNews – 16 Oct 12

Rice blames intel talking points for faulty Libya story; lawmakers raise new questionsFoxNews – 16 Oct 12

Opinion: It’s time for Hillary Clinton to testify about what happened in Libya by K.T. McFarland – 12 Oct 12

Newsletter comment: The debacle in Benghazi which cost the lives of four American patriots, reminds me of a similar debacle during the Vietnam war which led to the fall of Lima Site 85 in Laos. In Benghazi there were repeated requests to the State Department by their U.S. security teams on the ground for additional personnel to guard the vulnerable Consulate at Benghazi.  Those requests were denied according to recent House testimony.

At Lima Site 85, a top-secret radar installation manned by U.S. Air Force personnel disguised as civilian contractors, in early March 1968 MACV in Saigon knew the installation was in imminent danger of attack by the NVA and the U.S. Ambassador in Laos rejected MACV’s evacuation request and the site was overrun on 11 March 1968 and 11 Americans were killed.

Our State Department has many dedicated and brave Americans serving our country around the world.  Unfortunately, far too often, the bureaucrats in D.C. who are career driven guided by politics call the shots from the safety of their desks which can have disastrous outcomes for those in harms way.  Without personal accountability, we are likely doomed to see more such bad calls around this increasingly turbulent world. Roger Young 

White House moves to insulate Biden, Obama on Libya security questionFoxNews – 12 Oct 12

Ex-security officers testify about frustration at State Department over Libya securityFoxNews – 10 Oct 12

Clinton aide swiftly briefed lawmakers on ‘coordinated’ Libya strike, despite Rice claimsFoxNews – 8 Oct 12

Diplomats asked repeatedly for more security before Libya attack, lawmakers claimFoxNews – 2 Oct 12

“…’Based on information provided to the committee by individuals with direct knowledge of events in Libya, the attack that claimed the ambassador’s life was the latest in a long line of attacks on Western diplomats and officials in Libya in the months leading up to September 11, 2012,’ they wrote. ‘In addition, multiple U.S. federal government officials have confirmed to the committee that, prior to the September 11 attack, the U.S. mission in Libya made repeated requests for increased security in Benghazi. The mission in Libya, however, was denied these resources by officials in Washington’…”

Opinion: Obama Miscalculated Politics of Terrorism by Chris Stirewalt – 28 Sep 12

No threat assessment in Benghazi prior to ambassador’s arrival, source saysFoxNews– 28 Sep 12

Opinion: Could the Benghazi attack be Obama’s Tet? by Earl Tilford – 28 Sep 12

Comment: As the author pointed out, it is unlikely that the Obama administration will take any blame for the deadly attack in Benghazi or the way this tragic event was initially “spun” by the administration and mainstream media. During Vietnam we had a media that was critical of the strategy unlike today a media that avoids asking the tough questions or holding this administration accountable for any of their decisions.

Our individual freedoms have always hinged on a free and independent press that would question power and seek the truth. Unfortunately those days appear to be behind us. Sometimes like the ’68 Tet the press got it wrong – Tet was a major defeat for the Viet Cong, not a military victory – but at least they were asking the tough questions and had every right to question the Johnson/McNamara strategy of ‘escalated response’ that would not take the war to the North or their sanctuaries in Cambodia & Laos

Roger Young, co-editor

US officials knew Libya attack was terrorism within 24 hours, sources confirmFoxNews – 27 Sep 12

Obama: U.S. Consulate attack was terrorismArmyTimes – 26 Sep 12

Libya latest example of administration downplaying terror strikeFoxNews – 24 Sep 12

Lawmakers urge Obama to clarify Libya attack details, as Clinton calls strike terrorismFoxNews – 21 Sep 12

White House: Libya was a ‘terrorist attack’ArmyTimes – 20 Sep 12

President Obama Speaks at Ceremony for Benghazi VictimsWhite House – 14 Sep 12

US officials investigate whether strike on Benghazi post ‘coordinated,’ timed for 9/11 anniversaryFoxNews – 12 Sep 12


About Roger Young

Roger served with A Troop, 3/17th Air Cav "Silver Spurs" as a Scout Crew Chief in Vietnam from '69 - '70.
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5 Responses to Benghazi

  1. Chuck Lawrence says:

    Thanks for posting this. There is so much behind this and the American people believe to know the truth as do the families of the victims. Heck I would like to know. everyday new information comes out and everyday a new story is contrived it seems, or the silence is deafening.
    This is clearly a cover-up to protect a reelection campaign.
    When support is justified and needed and then your told to stand down what do they expect to happen. I would like those that gave that order, to explain to me. “Just how you stand down when your under direct attack?”
    In my book when needed support is needed, requested, and then denied only one conclusion can be made. The victims were written off a expendable by the powers that be including the President.
    I resent the comments made by Obama and Clinton when the Bodies arrived at Andrews. Clearly there was something terribly wrong and they continued the some old line they knew was a lie. Obama could not even look the victims families in the eye when he went to “console” them. What a fraud!! According to one of the Navy SEALS father.
    Unfortunately the Campaign Trail and Fund Raising has priority over the Murder of a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans in a Consulate facility.
    This whole situation has been a disgrace since it happened. I wonder if we will ever get to the truth. Of course the mainstream media is blowing this off. They would not want their boy to look bad.
    This whole situation is disgusting and disgraceful.

  2. Allan La Grange says:


    I want to say that I was saddened by the loss of those brave men. I had the great honor of meeting LTG Hal Moore and seeing again our old friend Joe Galloway in Skokie, Il a few years ago. Where are our Generals and Civil Leaders like General Moore? Has our country stopped producing such men? The World is in danger if we have lost the ability to be brave and decisive. Al La Grange, A Troop 3/17th Air Cav, Rifles Squad Leader 68-70

    • Administrator says:

      Al, I agree completely. I was taken back by the SECDEF’s statement that because they weren’t completely aware of exactly what was going on, they couldn’t send help. If that had been the criteria for us serving in Nam, we seldom would have flown a mission in support of U.S. infantry and ARVN units in trouble.

      I fear the military leadership like that of LTG Moore are long gone.

  3. Bear says:

    I doubt most Americans remember, but recall the Libya mess began with President Obama authorizing military action without Congressional approval along with NATO forces to “liberate” Libya.

    We didn’t get many answers back then either from our President. To refresh our memories, please see: Next Stop, Libya?

    • Roger Young says:

      Here it is January 2014, and with the recent revelations posted above, we now know FOR CERTAIN, that the White House and Secretary Clinton LIED to the American people, the families and the world blaming the attack on a YouTube video. Within minutes after the attack, intelligence was reporting to them that it was a terrorist attack. And yet they LIED to all of us and sent Susan Rice out on the MSM circuit to push their lies. Why? Because it fit their political aspirations and the story on the election trail that AQ was dead and GM was alive! And that is despicable in my book!

      To this very day, no one has been brought to justice as the President promised for the attack on our consulate and CIA Annex in Libya. And no one within this administration has been held accountable for the multiple refusals to enhance security in Benghazi leading up to the anniversary of 9-11.

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