MAJ Nathan Pulliam – Original Silver Spur 6

Nathan Pulliam in Nam – Oualline photo


Janet & Nathan at 2002 Reunion

Nathan Pulliam is truly the father of the Silver Spurs and was the first man assigned to the Troop. He was the original Spur 6 from the time the Troop was first organized prior to deployment to Vietnam in January 1967 until 17 March 1968. The Troop began supporting the 199th Light Infantry on 1 December 1967 with Nathan in command.  Nathan also chose our call sign, Silver Spurs which is still used by A Troop, 3-17th Cav today.

Nathan is still very active with the Spurs. He has been a gentle, steady, guiding hand with our reunions and speaks eloquently at our reunions, educating many of us that served years later with the Spurs of our troop history.  The traditions and tactics formed by Nathan and those who served with him served us all well while the troop was deployed in Vietnam. Spur 3, Chuck Oualline describes Nathan best:

“Major Pulliam proved himself an extremely able commander in extremely difficult circumstances.  He eventually accomplished what so many officers only dream of doing, and what only very few commanders actually accomplish.  He formed a combat unit from nothing, after he was the first soldier assigned; then he trained the unit for combat; then he deployed the unit overseas; then he led the unit in combat.  Not only were his leadership and management abilities sorely tested in all these phases, as they would be under any circumstances, but he was forced to train and deploy with two new models of helicopters not previously flown by any of us.  We received brand new OH-6A scout ships and UH-1C gunships.  Through it all he was steady as a rock, always setting proper standards and priorities, and always looking out for his enlisted men and officers.  We all knew how much he cared and how hard he worked to take care of us.  I have never heard a bad word about the man.  He was bigger than life and a father figure to the younger troops.  We all loved him and still do.”

Footnote: I have it on good authority that Chuck Oualline was the 2nd soldier to be assigned to the Spurs in 1967.  – Roger “Bear” Young

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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3 Responses to MAJ Nathan Pulliam – Original Silver Spur 6

  1. Bear says:

    Nathan is truly a southern gentleman, and Janet is a wonderful Lady with the same southern charm & grace. Truly a wonderful couple!

    Nathan has been our “go to guy” in shaping our reunions. When we’ve encountered difficulties, Nathan has always been there in the background to offer sage advice when asked.

    • Buzz Dennison says:

      I so appreciate learning about our Silver Spur Heroes. Thanks for the article and God Bless Nathan and Janet.

  2. John Dostal says:

    Major Pulliam Thanks for allowing us to serve in the greatest unit in the US ARMY


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