Welcome Home Vietnam Vets Day – March 30th 2012

Submitted to me by Lois G., a wonderful lady here in Washington state that has worked with the author, Debbie Lee below supporting our troops during the War on Terrorism.

Debbie Lee is a Gold Star Mother of the first Navy Seal to be killed in Iraq – Bear


We at AMW have dedicated our lives to our Veterans and the families of the fallen and not a day goes by that we don’t shake a hand and say thank you to our heroes. Often when I run into a Vietnam Vet and shake his hand, give him a hug and express my gratitude I notice a tear in their eye and hear them say “You are the first person who has said thank you.”

I am so angered when I hear that! I know that when our Vets came home in the 60/s and 70’s they were treated so poorly. Many have told me they had orders to not wear their uniforms when they came home from the combat zone. We read accounts and hear stories of Vets who were spit on, called baby killers, or attacked because of their service to this country. There were no ticker tape parades and celebrations, they had to hide the fact that they had obeyed their governments call into combat, many never spoke of their heroic efforts. It is disgraceful that 40 years later we still have vets who have not heard the words, thank you for serving. It causes me to be more determined to keep doing what I am doing but to also encourage others to do the same.

As an American on behalf of our nation I want to say to our Veitnam Vets, I am so very sorry!

Please enjoy this video that we have prepared to say THANK YOU AND WELCOME HOME.

March 30th was declared by our Congress as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. Please reach out to the Vietnam Vets that you know and show your gratitude. Marc’s last letter home he wrote that we could change our world by doing more random acts of kindness. You can read that amazing inspiring letter at www.americasmightywarriors.org  After reading his letter I hope you are inspired to do a random act of kindness for a Veitnam Vet on March 30th to thank them and honor Marc’s memory.

Please share this with your contact lists and social media so we can imapct and honor as many Vets as we can, they deserve it.

Ever Grateful,

Debbie Lee

Thanks go to Dave Perkins for producing the video and Rocky Lynn for his amazing song:

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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