Stolen Valor Act Thrown Out

Supreme Court: Lying about military medals is protected by ConstitutionThe Washington Post – 28 Jun 2012

Full text of Supreme Court Decision

Vets respond to court overturning Stolen ValorArmyTimes – 1 Jul 12


About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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4 Responses to Stolen Valor Act Thrown Out

  1. Bear says:

    It would seem that everyone has their rights protected except those who serve or have served in our military!! How not allowing someone to falsely claim they are a veteran or wearing phoney medals infringes on their right to “free speech” escapes me… Perhaps we should all dress in black robes and claim we are Supreme Court Justices? Or a police officer or federal agent?

    Frankly, I’m completely disgusted with this country and watching the rulings our elected “representatives” and Supreme Court make that in my opinion defy logic.

  2. Allan La Grange says:

    Bear: AMEN !! It is a different and not a better world than the one of our childhood. We are in danger of passing the point of no return. Pray for sanity to return.

    • Bear says:


      Everything seems upside down to me. Honor & tradition seems to be a relic of the past.

  3. Allan La Grange says:

    So much has changed since I was a boy I just can’t believe it. I certainly was not an alter boy but at least I knew where the line was and tried to stay on the right side.I fear that we are losing our cultlure and in danger of losing our identity.

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