Why Were Australian Vietnam Veterans Treated Shamefully?

Just published in May 2022 by HistoryNet, a troubling article concerning our great allies and Brothers from Australia that served in Vietnam with honor! 

Please see: Why Were Australian Vietnam Veterans Treated Shamefully?

Roger “Bear” Young – Silver Spur webmaster


After posting the article on the Australians, Pam found this article by Vietnam Veterans of America regarding Canadians that served in Vietnam in the U.S. Armed Forces. They experienced a similar homecoming: 

Canadians in the Vietnam War – January/February 2022


About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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3 Responses to Why Were Australian Vietnam Veterans Treated Shamefully?

  1. Terry Shulze says:

    When I first got to Oz in 1982 I was treated with the same disdain. I had several people, including a Judge in front of a gaggle of lawyers confront me and try to demean me. As I tried to explain why I ended up in ‘Nam, he didn’t want to hear it. Only his ‘liberal’ mindset mattered.

    It is different now. I am now respected, but it must have been rough for the Australian troops that had recently returned. In fact, there are now more Vietnam veterans walking around today than after the Vietnam war. True, just ask around in any pub and they pop up everywhere. I have two ‘wannabes’ in my own small town.

    • Roger Young says:

      It would appear the anti-war crowd was everywhere spreading their poison. Thanks Terry for the additional insight!


  2. Roger Young says:

    I recommend the powerful movie: Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan available on Amazon Prime

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