Video: Silver Spurs at Quan Loi, RVN

Quan Loi was the home of A Troop, 3/17th Cav for portions of 1970-1971. The Silver Spurs participated in the 1970 Cambodian incursion OPCON to the 1/9th Cav -1st Cavalry Division. In 1971 the Spurs returned again to Cambodia to support ARVN elements in their move towards Snoul. The Silver Spurs and others from the 3/17th Cav received a Valorous Unit Award for their participation in the 1970 Cambodian incursion. In honor to our fallen Troopers and all who served.

My personal thanks to all my fellow Spurs for the pictures they shared with me, and a special thanks to Spur 13, Tom White for the video portion. – Roger “Bear” Young


About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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