Prager University: How the Vietnam War Was Won and Lost

On YouTube, submitted by Bob Scurzi, Spur 15:

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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9 Responses to Prager University: How the Vietnam War Was Won and Lost

  1. Bear says:

    Those who have never accepted responsibility for the fall of South Vietnam, also must take much of the credit for the fall of Cambodia when Khmer Rouge units entered Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975. It is estimated that more than 1-million Cambodians perished in the killing fields

  2. Bob says:

    Old news to those of us that know our history and lived it. The narrator leaves out the promise from Nixon, that we would provide air power support from Japan, which we didn’t when the North started their march south. Like then and today, it’s the liberal left who continues to undermine and ruin this country. We need to defeat the left and give them no quarter or compromise anywhere. I don’t think the current jack asses in the Republican party that brought us Dole and McCain, have gotten the message. These clowns that are forming a “study group” to see if they should run, can drop dead. They need to simple say, I’m running for president or shut up and get out of the way. We have three war fronts in play now, the economy is in the toilet and the head of the government is stacked and being run by the same leftists who cause the loss of Vietnam. I’m not optimistic the political gamers of the right will go for broke and lead. America isn’t what it use to be. If Obama gets another term, we can be assured no amount of bailing is going to save this ship from sinking.

    • Bear says:

      Bob, I couldn’t agree with you more! Hope others will join in this discussion that is long overdue…

    • Branko Petrovic says:

      Dear Mr. Scurzi,

      I would like to contact you for some historic facts unrelated to this blog. Would you mind if i leave you my e-mail address?

      Thank you in advance,
      Branko Petrovic

      [Mr. Petrovic, I will forward your post to Bob Scurzi for you -- Roger “Bear” Young]

  3. J. Waldo Pepper says:

    I am so pissed. I never knew the deal was cut like that. Democrats are liars, murderers of children and it’s soldiers. Had the treaty went in place it would not have been so bad to live with. And also for the Republicans like that traitor McCain who kept their mouths shut.

    How any soldier, present or past could ever support the democratic party is beyond me. All done in the back doors so they (the Congress) could say the anti-war bunch won. At the expense of the blood of my brothers. Damn this country. Sic Semper tyrannis! It’s time for the revolution.

    Now the same group of assholes is stealing my liberty. Damn them all to hell!

    • Bear says:

      Watergate obscured what was happening in Southeast Asia. The American people turned their back on us and our allies in Southeast Asia.

      And once again Congress cut continued funding for Afghanistan after the Soviet Union pulled out which -- in my opinion -- led to the rise of the Taliban and harboring Bin Laden. Seems we’ve gone full circle!

      I expect the same funding cuts will happen in Iraq & Afghanistan, and we can start the cycle all over again! Except we can no longer afford this nonsense!

  4. Vet Sis says:

    I hear you gentlemen loud and clear….clearly the American people are a fickle and disappointing lot, to put it mildly. Many have, and continue to, turn a blind eye to the truth; many are asleep at the switch; many are severely apathetic to our nation’s ideals; and many today are the product of revisionist history that has been the mantra for decades in our education system and multimedia outlets/sources. While I am not a history scholar, I do know that the word of Congress has not held much weight since probably the inception of our nation. Lots of promises/treaties have either never been fulfilled completely or wreak of tokenism. Just ask our proud Native Americans, as one of many historical examples. That said, while I solemnly gave an oath to serve my country, I never expected Congress and Kissinger to renege on their oaths with the Peace Accords….a great many POWs were NOT returned. Congress and the American people were tired/bored/apathetic of anything ‘Vietnam’. They were part and parcel, in my humble opinion, in perpetrating the ultimate betrayal to those brave American Prisoners of War who were never to return pursuant to the Peace Accords, and who were sacrificed for expediency’s sake to end the war. In effect, they were simply written off as casualties of war. And let us never forget their families who have had to endure this unconscionable betrayal all these years since.

    Trustworthiness, honor, duty, integrity? In my humble opinion, Congress and Washington and a vast number of the American people who lack measurable character are significant reasons why our nation is no longer trusted and respected.

  5. Bear says:

    We had 145 hits viewing this subject on the first day it was posted. This short video had to open a subject that is still sensitive to us that served in Vietnam. We did our duty and served our country with honor, the politicians just gave it all away…

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