Videos of ’68 Tet Offensive

Located on YouTube:

Tet Offensive & Khe Sahn:

Tet Offensive 1968, US Embassy & Saigon fighting:

Hue City 1968:

From Silver Spur History:


Valorous Unit Ribbon



[NOTE: The following is an excerpt from General Order 48, 1968]

4. The Valorous Unit Award is awarded by direction of the Secretary of the Army to:THE 199TH INFANTRY BRIGADE (SEPARATE) (LIGHT) and its assigned and attached units:

Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 199th Infantry Brigade (Separate) (Light)
2d Battalion 3d Infantry
3d Battalion, 7th Infantry
4th Battalion, 12th Infantry
2nd Battalion, 40th Artillery
7th Support Battalion
87th Engineer Company
Troop D, 17th Cavalry
Troop A, 3d Squadron, 17th Cavalry
40th Public Information Detachment
44th Military History Detachment
49th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog)
Company F, 51st Infantry (LRP)
71st Infantry Detachment (LRP)
11th Combat Tracker Team (Prov) (redesignated and reorganized as the 76th Infantry Detachment)
179th Military Intelligence Detachment
152nd Military Police Platoon
298th Signal Platoon
503d Chemical Detachment
856th Radio Research Detachment

The 199TH INFANTRY BRIGADE (SEPARATE) (LIGHT) and its assigned and attached units distinguished themselves by extraordinary heroism while engaged in military operations during the period 31 January to 19 February 1968 in support of Saigon and Long Binh Post during the TET Offensive. In the early hours of 31 January, insurgent forces launched savage attacks against Long Binh by firing rockets at II Field Force Vietnam and Bien Hoa Air Base. Brigade artillery promptly and effectively reacted to the attack, destroying two rocket bases and silencing the rest with voluminous barrage. Thwarted in this aspect of their attempt, the Viet Cong then initiated well-organized and determined attacks upon Long Binh and the base camp of the brigade. In response clerks, cooks, mechanics and other support troops of the 199TH INFANTRY BRIGADE (SEPARATE) (LIGHT) manned the unit’s perimeter while maneuver elements aggressively engaged and pursued enemy

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forces. During the fighting of Long Binh, the brigade’s firepower and indomitable spirit were instrumental in depriving concentrated enemy forces of progression into the city of Saigon. The resourcefulness and tactical expertise of unit commanders enabled units to retain constant contact with the insurgents and inflict numerous casualties which totally demoralized the enemy and destroyed his initiative. The men of the 199TH INFANTRY BRIGADE (SEPARATE) (LIGHT) displayed extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty which are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect distinct credit upon themselves and the Armed Forces of the United States….

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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