3/17th Air Cav from Vietnam to Iraq & Afghanistan

A personal tribute to all Troopers who have served with the 3/17th Air Cavalry from Vietnam to the present… Bear

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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7 Responses to 3/17th Air Cav from Vietnam to Iraq & Afghanistan

  1. Arthur C. Bonevich says:

    Great job, Thank’s for the memories. Artie, Scout’s Out
    A-Trp 3/17 Air Cav. Scout Platoon Sgt. 1970
    “I have flown among the trees and seen the face of the enemy”

  2. Charles Stutzman says:

    Thanks agin Roger for all you have done in the past, the present and for that that you will do in the future!


  3. Bear says:

    I want to give credit to John Williams’ “Hymn to the Fallen” (from “Saving Private Ryan”) for the musical score in the video.

    The video consists of pictures from my fellow Spurs and one from D Troop from 1967 thru 1971. It opens with a grainy picture of Maj. Nathan Pulliam in Vietnam, our original Spur 6.

    I attempted to capture our unit history in brief and thank all my fellow Spurs and the current 3-17th for their many contributions!

  4. CSM Lemke says:

    What a honor it is to follow in the foot steps of the Viet Nam Vet!

  5. Teresa Botello says:

    All you who served lost loved dear friends and saw horrific sights the world will never know what your eyes have seen, SALUTE ……to all who served thank you for what you sacrificed it will never be forogtten….

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