Today is Memorial Day

Memorial Day Video

Never Forgotten…

 2012 Silver Spur Reunion Memorial Service

Produced by John “Waldo” Pepper – Silver Spur Guns

Spur President’s Memorial Day Message

Memorial Day 2012:

As we approach Memorial day again, I am preparing the 100 flags at half mast that will line the driveway of my church to remind the younger generation of the sacrifice of the American soldier.

I’m tired of seeing ads selling crap as a “Memorial Day” sale without any reference to what the day means. As veterans, we know what that day means more than the public. But, we a small majority compared to the population of this nation.

The progressive school system hardly teaches American history anymore not even mentioning Memorial Day history or it’s significance.

What are you going to do brothers to help promote Memorial Day in this country once again? Hardly any business will take the time to place their flag at half mast and in most cases don’t even fly the American flag.

Next time you ride by a financial institution such as a bank look to see if they are flying the flag. Probably not.

I challenge you as you honor your brothers on Monday the 28th at 3:00 pm, take three minutes with your family, friends and co-workers and honor those sacrifices in silence or a prayer thanking God for them.

Pass the word and fly your flag Memorial Day weekend. And if possible, fly your flag at half mast from sunrise to 12 noon.

I love you brothers.

Silver Spur Guns – Spur President

Articles of Interest 

Opinion: Every day needs to be Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day By Kerry Patton, Disabled Veteran – 24 May 2012


President Obama at the Wall, May 28th 2012

Spur ARPs, courtesy of Buzz Dennison

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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3 Responses to Today is Memorial Day

  1. Bear says:

    As of this day, Memorial Day 2012, there are now officially 58,282 names engraved on our Wall. Ten were added this past year.

  2. Bear says:

    Memorial Day was once known as “Decoration Day”

      Decoration Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Sleep, comrades, sleep and rest
    On this Field of the Grounded Arms,
    Where foes no more molest,
    Nor sentry’s shot alarms!

    Ye have slept on the ground before,
    And started to your feet
    At the cannon’s sudden roar,
    Or the drum’s redoubling beat.

    But in this camp of Death
    No sound your slumber breaks;
    Here is no fevered breath,
    No wound that bleeds and aches.

    All is repose and peace,
    Untrampled lies the sod;
    The shouts of battle cease,
    It is the Truce of God!

    Rest, comrades, rest and sleep!
    The thoughts of men shall be
    As sentinels to keep
    Your rest from danger free.

    Your silent tents of green
    We deck with fragrant flowers;
    Yours has the suffering been,
    The memory shall be ours.

  3. Bear says:

    It is being reported that the Secret Service shut down visits to the Wall on Memorial Day to allow Obama to give his speech.

    See: Obama’s Memorial Day Photo-Op Blocks Families, Vets From D.C. Vietnam Memorial Wall For 7 Hours

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