2012 Spur Reunion Pics

Thanks to John Briggs, he took & gathered other photos from fellow Spurs and I’ve put them together in a slide show for all to enjoy – Bear

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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8 Responses to 2012 Spur Reunion Pics

  1. Chuck says:

    Roger, Clayton, & John

    Thanks for Posting these photo’s from the Reunion. They are great. John Briggs obviously has a much better camera than mine. 🙂

  2. Guy Musice says:

    I enjoyed the reunion but: I wonder where the ARPs was while you guys won the war.I didnt hear one comment about the grunts. Maybe we just dreamed we were there 🙁

    • Bear says:

      Guy, that’s very sad. As you know our ARPs were a VITAL part of the entire team effort. Hopefully we’ll improve in the near future!!

      I’ve passed your very valid concerns to the Spur Executive Board for review. Thanks for posting! That’s how we can correct important issues.

  3. Waldo Pepper says:

    Guy, you did not dream that at all. I am sorry that you didn’t feel the infantry guys weren’t represented. That is a terrible oversight on the reunion committee and the Executive Board to make sure everyone was accounted for. I accept that responsibility and blame.

    I promise you this; I will bring this before the Executive Board and Reunion Chairman for the next reunion. It will not happen again.

    No Silver Spur regardless of rank or position is any better than the next Spur. We worked as a team and we will continue as a team.

    I would like to engage your help in trying to get the Aerorifles back to the reunions. Somehow there was a disconnect after Billy Barber died. You could be a valuable aid to your brothers in helping us getting them back.

    Again, I sincerely hope you had a good time in spite of the extra focus on the Scouts. I am sure it was not intentional.

    Faithfully your brother

  4. Bear says:

    For what it’s worth, in the Spur videos I’ve made and posted, I’ve certainly attempted to include our ARPs.

    Example: 3/17th Air Cav from Vietnam to Iraq & Afghanistan

    Some of the pictures in that video include our ARPs in action shared with me by fellow Spur, Buzz Dennison who served in our Rifle platoon during my time with the Spurs.

  5. Allan La Grange says:

    I have felt welcome and accepted at every reunion (4) I have attended. I am dissapointed that so few rifles have attended. I even managed to locate a few and tried to get them to attend but they did not show. I think that if we can get more of us to attend we will play a larger role in the next reunion. Al La Grange, Rifles Squad Leader

    PS: Thanks to Col. Jenks and Squadron members I was able to clear up some issues that I have on my mind all tlhese years.

  6. Gary Swartz says:

    The photo labeled ‘Nash and friends’. That was John Sinclair and his wife and son (who is in the Army at this time, if I remember correctly).

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