The Eagle Cried ~ Vietnam Veterans Tribute

I want to thank fellow Spur, Pat Ramsey, for bringing this powerful video to my attention. Here’s the background on the YouTube video:

“The Eagle Cried” Written and recorded by US Army Major J Billington. This song was written in honor of the sacrifices of Vietnam veterans, who did not receive the hero’s welcome that they deserved when they came home from the fight. This song was written for and performed at the 13th Combat Aviation Battalion Reunion at Fort Rucker, Alabama, held on May 15, 2010. To the Vietnam veterans that may find and watch this video, please accept my humble “Thank you for your service, and welcome home!” J Billington May 19, 2010


About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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4 Responses to The Eagle Cried ~ Vietnam Veterans Tribute

  1. Charles Stutzman says:


  2. Bear says:

    What I saw when I got home was a complete indifference by the general public. Like they had put the war far behind them while it was still raging. A complete disconnect between our military and the general population. The peace activists were driving the national conversation and no one cared for our opinions.

    Therefore, speaking personally, I felt very isolated from the average citizen and still do.

  3. Don Masura says:

    I never saw a bridge or stretch of hightway dedicated to a coward. My hat is off to everyone who served while others turned tail and fled to Canada or a self serving lifestyle in the name of “doing the right thing.”

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