Greetings from family of Dan Cheney

Dear Roger and Clayton,

Thank you for keeping me on the Silver Spurs Outreach list. It is always so comforting to receive your messages and I appreciate your kindness to families of fallen pilots. 

Today, January 6th, marks the 44th Anniversary of the day that my brother, Lt. Daniel Cheney and Warrant Officer Walter Koslosky were shot down and killed, near Di An,  while providing ground cover for a downed loach pilot. My Mother and I would be so grateful to learn if any of you knew Dan or Walter, or if you have any additional information on the incident. Thanks to many of you, Bob Karig and VHPA, we have learned that the downed pilot, Dennis Duarte survived. If you are in touch with Dennis or know his whereabouts, it would be wonderful to connect with him.

In 1995 my family launched PeaceTrees Vietnam, a humanitarian effort to clear landmines and unexploded ordnance in wartorn areas of Vietnam, in an effort to honor the losses to all families and to begin building bridges of friendship and understanding with the Vietnamese people. We  have three humanitarian demining teams, sponsored by the US Department of State Weapons Removal and Abatement Program, working in Quang Tri and Quang Binh provinces and build homes, schools and libraries. We have worked alongside the Vietnamese people every day for 18 years to reverse the consequences of war and create a brighter future for their children.

In 2010, at the age of 90, my Mother Rae Cheney took her first trip to Vietnam, to dedicate a kindergarten in Khe Da Village, west of Khe Sanh, in Dan’s memory and the Mother’s Peace Library, in honor of all Mothers who lost their sons and daughters in war. She was greeted as a visiting head of state and welcomed warmly by the Vietnamese people. In fact, they made a Vietnam Television Documentary on her life, including Dan’s life and his loss in early 1969, and on our work in Quang Tri Province. I wanted to share this link with you, in case you would like to review it for possible posting on your site. We have great appreciation for the sensitivities involved, and simply want to share it with you, in case it is meaningful.

Thank you both for your tremendous service to the Silver Spurs and to our great country.

With sincere appreciation,

Jerilyn Cheney Brusseau

Sister Lt. Dan Cheney, KIA A/3rd/17th January 6, 1969

Related post: PeaceTrees Vietnam Honors Spur, Dan Cheney

VHPA information on Daniel Cheney – courtesy of VHPA

Honoring the Passing of Rae Cheney, PeaceTrees Vietnam Co-FounderPeaceTrees VietNam – August 2017

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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One Response to Greetings from family of Dan Cheney

  1. Bear says:

    My very sincere thanks to Jerilyn and her mother for sharing this with all the Spurs. And for having the vision to provide some safe havens for the children of Vietnam.


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