Angels In Uniform

Courtesy of VVMF:


Here’s a video tribute my wife, Pam Young (Navy vet), made in 2011 in honor of ALL the women – including the Donut Dollies, who served during the Vietnam War – Roger “Bear” Young, Scout Crew Chief:

Learn more about the Donut Dollies at:


About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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5 Responses to Angels In Uniform

  1. Roger Young says:

    In my opinion, the Donut Dollies never got the recognition they deserved. I remember meeting a young lady at the DiAn USO shortly after Moose & Wallace were lost from our scout platoon, she came over to me sitting alone to chat and check up on me -- not the best timing.

    My first reaction was, “What the hell are you doing here, this place will f… you up!” They volunteered to be there and deserve our respect. So a salute to all the Donut Dollies that attempted to make our time in Nam a little bit better.

  2. Gary L. Swartz says:

    I remember two DD’s being taken to a Fire Support Base in a Loach.
    We put one in the back with four or five BIG boxes of treats.
    The other climbed in the left seat. She saw us (4-5) standing out in front and clamped her knees together, on the Cyclic. The pilot saw us and wondered why we were still standing there. (Only remember the pilot as being tall. Coleman, Scurzi or Carpenter.) When he tried to move the cyclic, he saw HIS problem. BIG grin. Over powered the legs, while looking at the blades. She finally spread them. We smiled and I gave a salute to her. She was laughing as we walked off and they took off.

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