Spur Researcher Needed!

Bear / Clayton :

Please see the correspondence from the National Archives [below]. Charles Stutzman and I are contemplating visiting there prior to the Reunion next April.  However, if someone resides in the Maryland area, perhaps they would be willing to spend some time there researching the records to see what “official” documentation is available on A Troop. (We suspect this is Squadron info and not specific logs, etc of our Spurs).

Please send out a request for a volunteer to visit the Archives.

Bill McCalisterSpur 24

PDF: National Archives Letter

UPDATE: Dave Tela, Spur 38, has volunteered to do the research at the National Archives! Thanks Dave – Bear

About Roger Young

Roger "Bear" Young served with the Silver Spurs as a Scout crew chief and Line Chief from Dec '69 through Nov '70. Upon his return to the "world" he served at Hunter AAF as a Cobra Periodic Inspection team leader. He founded the Spur website in Sept 1997.
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8 Responses to Spur Researcher Needed!

  1. Bear says:

    I have attempted to post as much troop history as we have available on our Spur site which is pretty significant from 1967 thru 1969. The big void is in 1970 & 1971 where the troop historical records have never been located, if they were kept. I’ve attempted to do my part and thought I had.

  2. Pat Ramsey Spur 29 says:

    served in that time frame 1970 what can I do ? ALso never received any paper work for our little trip into Cambonia in May and June of 70 A troop awas awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for that little trip but I have no paper work awarding it, Do others have this problem also?

  3. Pat Ramsey Spur 29 says:

    Thanks for the memories If I can do anything please contact me. Also anyone who has Agent Orange problems I can help. New to this problem but can help in getting assistance, DAV is great for help.

  4. Mike Billow, Spur 38 says:

    Once again Roger another teriffic job keeping the Spurs together and getting the word out. I’m sure all will appreciate the information. Hopefully we 70-71 Quan Loi Spurs will get off our duffs and get some history to you….I know that I have procrastinated. I do know that Dave Tela, Paul Clergy, Tommy White and Morgan Miller could be big prodoucers for the cause….
    Good to see your name appear! I hope all is well with you after all the years gone by!
    Incidentally you still owe me about $300 bucks from the poker game we had the night before going into Cambodia! I’ll take full payment if you by the house a round at some Spur event in the future!

  5. Edward M. Kictarek says:

    I have an after action report that I aould like to share. Where are our A-Troop history documents kept? I will be bring these documents to the next reunion.

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